Five Bolivian indigenous women are involved in a unique expedition. As a symbol of liberation and empowerment, they propose to climb the highest mountain in America.
Pablo Iraburu, Jaime Murciego
Itziar Garcia Zubiri, Ohiane Iriarte
Running time
82 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Five Bolivian women, the wives of mountain guides, who wanted to go climbing themselves, provide a truly extraordinary profile of working class women going on adventures. The film looks and sounds incredible, and it has a totally unexpected and fresh set of characters, Trust me, you haven't seen an adventure film like this - truly mind-blowing and hugely entertaining.Paul Hodgson Music Judge
Five Bolivian indigenous women lead a unique expedition. As a symbol of liberation and empowerment they propose to climb the highest mountain in America. Her image is surprising: they climb wearing her traditional skirt. They are more than climbers, they are brave women who find a space in the mountains to feel free, happy and alive. Her adventure will show the world an inspiring way of being a woman, living tradition and relating to Mother Nature.