
Comfort Zones

How do you get comfortable skiing steep gullies in Scotland?
Amy Marwick pondering what is to come below.



Morrocco Media


Stefan Morrocco, Philip Ebert


Philip Ebert, Amy Marwick, Dave Anderson, Matt Pavitt



Running time

12 minutes

Country / Nationality

United Kingdom

Our Judges say:

A interesting look at our 'edges'

Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.

Comfort Zones was a not-for-profit film to show off the best of Eastern Scotland ski touring and steep skiing. The film underwent an number of mutations, but ultimately after seeing the footage we had we settled on exploring the philosophy of risk taking in back country skiing and how we all have different comfort zones, but as our competence increases with experience those comfort zones shift to allow us to tackle new challenges. The area around Glenshee Ski Centre is perfect for this, because you can learn your ski skills on the piste, then venture out onto mellower off-piste terrain and ultimately tackle some amazing steep skiing. We are grateful to all those who helped make the film happen, and especially the skiers, because without the athletes, this would just be a nice landscape film.