Line Riders - Beethoven's 5th
Music syncronized to 2-D physics
Running time
5 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Listen carefully can you hear it and now for the brassEd Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
Da da da da. Da da da da. La la la la, la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaargh...Anna Paxton
Such a wonderful take on adventure film! A real treat.Elise Wicker
I spent over 3 months synchronizing a line rider track to Beethoven's 5th drawing everything by hand. Any time a character leaves the screen they are being directed by unseen lines to the next location. This is not the full length of the piece. I spliced together parts to make it possible for me to finish the project in a practical amount of time. I don't think my sanity could handle 3 more months of this song.