
Waterway Jay

In 2017, Jay Gustafson launched Paddle for Progress, a two-year, 4,300-mile personal journey in response to Governor Dayton's call for water action.
One man's journey to save water.



Brenda Piekarski


Brenda Piekarski


Jay Gustafson


John Reamer and Associates

Running time

7 minutes

Country / Nationality

United States

In 2017, Jay Gustafson launched Paddle for Progress, a two-year, 4,300-mile personal journey in response to Governor Dayton's call for water action. Jay's mission to reconnect humanity with one of our most precious resources took him to the most remote and least visited corners of Minnesota, as well as through nearly every major community in the state. ​ Alone in the wilderness, Jay reminds us how we are all linked to water, one of the most powerful elements on earth that is in a constant state of danger. His passion for paddling and call to something greater than himself leads us down water trails into our own spirit's journey and connection with the earth. ​ Waterway Jay is the story of this one man's journey to save water, and how we are connected to it all.