Wild Ice - Backcountry Skating Alaska
“Wild Ice” features nordic bladers, hockey players, figure skaters, and a few adventurous puppies.

Running time
3 minutes
Country / Nationality
United States of America
Our Judges say:
Beautiful, this film really made me want to go to this place and skate on that ice!Anna Paxton
Just beautiful.Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
“Backcountry skating” is the practice of hunting for wild ice, whether on on a river, lake, glacial lagoon, or inside an ice cave. Filmed in southcentral and southeast Alaska over the course of two winters, “Wild Ice” features nordic bladers, hockey players, figure skaters, and a few adventurous puppies. Shot locations include Kenai Lake, the Portage Lagoons, Turnagain Arm, Wasilla Lake, Sheridan Glacier, Byron Glacier, and Portage Glacier.