

Marek Molek and Bruno Grassi are two ambitious mountaineers who have a confrontation at the verge of the summit because of a lie.
Marek Molek and Bruno Grassy in the summit arete



Ignasi López


Ignasi López

Running time

20 minutes

Country / Nationality


Our Judges say:

I'm always in awe of stop-motion films and the patience required to create such a film, however, in the context of ShAFF and the spirit of adventure, seeing puppets make a summit attempt doesn't quite take my breath away as seeing real people on screen does.

Lisa Bruni

Amazing stop motion animation.

Paul Hodgson Music Judge

Masterful animation. Always a joy to watch and feature more varieties of filmmaking within the adventure industry

Frit Tam

Marek Molek and Bruno Grassi are on the verge of reaching the summit of The Great Troll, the last and most difficult unclimbed mountain. A heavy storm, exhaustion and adverse snow conditions prevent them from actually reaching the summit, which is very near. Bruno and Marek argue about whether or not they should tell the truth. During the hazardous descent, one of them will attempt to persuade the other one by any means. In the meantime, Mike Bacon, the special correspondent covering the news, is unable to get in touch with them and is waiting anxiously at base camp.