
Kaleel Zibe
Kaleel Zibe
Running time
42 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
A film about how grief and guilt drives people to do amazing, possibly unwise adventure challenges.Paul Hodgson Music Judge
This is a cycling film with a difference. Grit, talent, tragedy, determination, hope and joy thread throughout this true story. Ben Forsyth was a talented young cyclist: British Youth Champion, who died suddenly of a heart condition, leaving his family and friends devastated and wondering how they could prevent other young people from tragically dying like this. The film follows Ben’s dad and three friends competing as a quad team in a tough 24-hour endurance mountain bike race. Can they win a special trophy named in honour of Ben after his death? We see Ben’s remarkable life through his family and friends, many of whom are elite athletes in their own right, including an olympian. Their interviews are touchingly sad, but also warm, funny and hopeful for the future. Many of these people constantly raise money and awareness for cardiac screenings, in the hope that young lives will be saved in the future. The film covers superhuman fund-raising efforts, like running 30 marathons in 30 days, and climbing the highest three mountains in England, Scotland and Wales whilst cycling between them within 48 hours. The film celebrates the life of a young man who inspired so many people and whose legacy will Endure.