Lenny's Legacy

Ellie Cartwright
Outside Hathersage, Montane, Ortlieb
Running time
18 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
"There's hope. We don't know what the future looks like, and maybe we don't need to." A touching film about the grief of child bereavement.Frit Tam
A heart breaking story of infant mortality and processing the grief via a journey to New Zealand.Paul Hodgson Music Judge
Lenny’s Legacy is an adventure film made by bereaved parents Roy and Mim, in honour of their two sons Lenny and Bhai who tragically died as babies. Lenny's Legacy is now a registered charity (1201987), founded and run by Mim and Roy to support bereaved parents. The film follows their journey cycling from Auckland to Queenstown through breathtaking scenery, capturing their physical and emotional endurance along the way as they navigate physical challenges and the intensity of grief. It also reflects their experience of finding light and joy amongst their pain. The couple self-shot the film, organised the trip independently, camped, planned the route along the way completely self supported and unlike anything they had done before. They completed the trip during some of the most extreme weather conditions on record for New Zealand. The film is dedicated to all the babies and children who have tragically died - the end credits are dedications to hundreds of children of bereaved parents who the charity has made connections with. In making this film, the charity hopes to raise awareness of all forms of pregnancy, infant and child bereavement. For bereaved parents, this film provides hope and light in the darkness - something Roy and Mim felt was missing when they experienced their losses. Whilst child bereavement is thankfully not a universal experience, grief and loss is - there are themes within this film which we can all relate to especially how adventure and nature can be healing.