The River Dôn Project - Exploring The Future Rights of Nature

Our current path has already taken us past seven of the nine planetary boundaries which sustain all life. We are creating an unlivable planet, at war with the future generations of all living things.
Working with citizens and communities throughout South Yorkshire. The River Dôn Project seeks to demonstrate how we can see and sense into the complex ecosystems and relationships that make up the water catchments that we are all a part of.
The catchment area is made up of thousands of interwoven and interdependent relationships called a bioregion. We are working to make them visible and understand them better. We think this could inform how communities, institutions and citizens collectively steward, value and shift the choices we make together towards liveable futures.
Come along and find out more from the team at Opus about this innovative and ground-breaking multifaceted project for the whole region, and be the first to hear about the launch of their new engagement platform that they are ready to launch, and will need the likes of you, to contribute to and enable the project to flourish.
This session is free to attend but please cancel your ticket if you can no longer make it to give someone else the opportunity to book.