Ar Gefn y Ddraig (Riding The Dragon)

Huw Erddyn
Huw Erddyn, Neville Hughes
Huw Jack Brassington
Running time
56 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
A top top top running adventure! Incredible characters. what a (painful) Laugh.Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
The Berghaus Dragons Back Race is the hardest 5 day mountain race in the world! Therefore when I found out that my friend, Huw Jack Brassington (one of the craziest people I know), was planning on running it, I knew that this was going to be a great opportunity for me to make my first Documentary.
Having not achieved a commission in time for the start of the race, I almost had to give up on the project. But instead I came to an agreement with the race organisers that I would work for them filming the race, in exchange I would get access to additional footage. As it turned out I am so glad that I persevered with the project as I got to witness the most determined human being that I've ever met push himself to his very limit, both physically and mentally!
Whilst traversing the spectacular mountains of Wales Huw Jack Brassington had to contend with the surprisingly hot Welsh weather, injury and the ever looming possibility of failure - which is a word that had hardly ever entered his mind before. This amazing journey, mixed in with Huw's unique sense of humour, and his glass half full attitude were the perfect ingredients for an amazing story.
If the audience, whilst watching this documentary, feel a fraction of the inspiration that I felt when shooting it then I will have succeeded in what I set out on achieving.