UPDATE! Venture underneath Sheffield into the depths of the city

Urban caving, a unique chance to venture underneath Sheffield into the depths of the city
UPDATE - Since our Urban Caving trips have been so popular, we have worked with YHA & The Outdoor City to arrange one extra trip on Sunday afternoon. So that everyone has an equal chance to buy the tickets, we will put them on sale Thursday 14 March 8pm.
Back in the industrial revolution Sheffield's rivers were built over and now run unseen beneath factories, railway stations and car parks in a network of cavernous culverts. As part of Sheffield's Festival of the Outdoors, we have teamed up with youth hostelling charity YHA (England & Wales) and The Outdoor City to arrange a unique urban adventure into the Victorian storm drain network. ShAFF will be bringing along a pop-up screen and projector for this underground audio-visual spectacular, and along the way you’ll hear about the city’s ground-breaking work to uncover its lost waterways, joining a worldwide movement in daylighting.
Sheffield is now established as The Outdoor City where sports like climbing, kayaking and mountain biking can be enjoyed not only in the Peak Park but right here in the inner city. The population of central Sheffield is rising rapidly every year, creating an urgent demand for more open spaces, whilst climate change is resulting in much more frequent and extreme storms which overflow the culverts and threaten flooding. For all these reasons the time is overdue to start the rediscovery and daylighting of our lost rivers, joining a truly worldwide movement which is making headlines in both northern and southern hemispheres. Guided by caving experts from YHA’s Castleton Youth Hostel in the Peak District, this year's ShAFF will highlight this opportunity and challenge by allowing people to experience some of Sheffield’s hidden rivers, watch films in the Victorian storm drains, and learn about plans to start their rescue through a new, dedicated, charitable trust - Putting the Sheaf back in Sheffield.
Book your urban caving trip using the links below - places are limited so be quick! Specialist equipment will be provided but you’ll need to bring your own wellies, gloves and walking poles.
Urban caving Trip 1 - Sat 23 10:00-12:00
Urban caving Trip 2 - Sat 23 13:00-15:00
Urban caving Trip 3 - Sat 23 16:00-18:00
Urban caving Trip 4 - Sun 24 10:00-12:00
Urban caving Trip 5 - Sun 24 13:00-15:00
Urban caving Trip 6 - Sun 24 16:00-18:00
Disclaimer: This is a unique opportunity to access the Victorian storm drains with permission from Sheffield City Council and under the supervision of qualified YHA guides, subject to public liability insurance and risk assessment. This activity should not be undertaken by the general public, and we do not endorse that anyone do so in any way shape or form without prior permission and accompanied by qualified guides. Please note - there is a minimum age of 12 for the trips, and anybody under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.