Water Films 2 - Paddle For The Planet

Running time
119 minutes
Friday 22 Mar '19 | 9:00pm Screen 2
Join paddler and Save Our Rivers campaigner Dan Yates for an evening of inspiring river and ocean-based adventure activism that will have you reaching for your paddle and planning your next trip.
Hear from the amazing Cal Major, record-breaking paddle boarder and founder of Paddle Against Plastic, as she introduces the film festival premier of her new film Vitamin Sea and tells the story of her epic Lands End to John O'Groats journey, her mission to tackle plastic pollution and to share the love for our waterways and oceans. Discover the buzz to be had from getting hands on to help rivers with the Rivers Trust and find out what all the excitement around British Canoeing's #ClearAccessClearWaters campaign is about. Live for yourselves the truly epic, heart-rending journeys to experience first-hand the threats to some of the world's most beautiful waterways in Chasing Wild and The Undamaged.
If all of this gives you the paddling bug, you can take part in your own real-life activism adventure at the Great Sheffield River Clean-up, and round off the weekend feeling like a paddle-wielding hero.