
Fastest Known Time

Jeanelle Hazlett attempts to establish a new Fastest Know Time (FKT) on Mount Brunswick, British Columbia.
FKT - Fastest Know Time - by Brice Ferré



Brice Ferré


Brice Ferré

Running time

11 minutes

Country / Nationality


Our Judges say:

Very impressive running athleticism in Canada.

Simon Taylor

Chasing local FKT's.

Jimmy Hyland

Impressive. inspirational, and somewhat intimidating high speed trail running film with beautiful scenery and an awful lot of joy.

Paul Hodgson Music Judge

In this movie, we follow Salomon athlete Jeanelle Hazlett as she attempts to establish a new Fastest Know Time (FKT) on Mount Brunswick, British Columbia. We'll learn what it takes to establish a FASTEST KNOW TIME to go up and down a mountain. Trail running. Enjoy!!