
Slack Sisters

4 female highliners share about the art and sport of highlining and the wisdom each have gained from the line.
4 female highliners share about the art and sport of highlining and the wisdom each have gained from the line.



Kelly Greenheart, &, Jefe Greenheart


Kelly Greenheart, &, Jake Laub

Running time

4 minutes

Country / Nationality

United States

Our Judges say:

An insight into the slackening world.

Jimmy Hyland

Hypnotic meditation on slacklining.

Paul Hodgson Music Judge

Slacklining has long been a male-dominated realm — but the sport is a natural fit for women, requiring grace, stillness and a fine measure of control and relinquishment. And for the athletes in this film, the benefits go far beyond the physical. “If you’re scared, the line will tell you you’re scared,” one says. “It basically just kind of shakes anything that’s troubling you out of you.”