Art & Photo Exhibitions @ ShAFF

We're very excited to have a number of art and photo exhibitions at ShAFF this year. These are free to view and will be up for the whole weekend.
Swimming in Plastic
a print project by Joanna Rucklidge
200 pieces of plastic litter found beside the River Don have been reproduced using monoprinting for a site specific installation
Insta @not_for_hot_ashes

an installation by Joanna Rucklidge
A series of workshops invited contributors to thread bottle lids which were then floated on a river. The resulting raft was a comment on the problem of waste & litter that ends up in Britain’s waterways.
Insta @not_for_hot_ashes

‘Stained’ Glass
a papercut project by illustration students at Sheffield Hallam University
Students used image making to record a short local urban adventure. They created their narratives into panoramic scenes to be displayed in the windows of the Workstation.
Insta @shuillustration

What We Do On The Limestone photography exhibition by Marsha Balaeva
The main objective of this exhibition is to showcase the female sport climbing outdoors, featuring climbers of different ages, backgrounds and abilities. ‘What We Do On The Limestone” gives a glimpse into a relatively small circle of women with the passion for outdoor climbing, who spend their free days at the crags and try really hard on their projects, but rarely get in the spotlight.
Insta @marshabalaeva

An exhibition of photography to tie-in with the Cotic film “Days Off” by Richard Baybutt
In the Showroom Light Well
www.cotic.co.uk / www.richardbaybutt.com & @coticbikes / @baybutt

WINDERMERE Am I Still Beautiful tapestry by David Morrish
In the Outpost reception room
www.kingfly.co.uk @kingfly_embroidery