Spirit Of Adventure - Tickets On Sale Now

Announcing the programme for our Spirit of Adventure event at Sheffield Cathedral 2-3 September 2022
Friday 2 September 19:30, Cathedral main screen - with the choir of St John's Church, Ranmoor.
In a totally unique cinematic and musical experience, the choir will sing a programme of sacred and secular choral music as people reflect and relax in the beautiful space of Sheffield Cathedral before enjoying the film, which features an incredible score by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood.
Throughout history, rivers have shaped our landscapes and our journeys; flowed through our cultures and dreams. RIVER takes its audience on a journey through space and time; spanning six continents, and drawing on extraordinary contemporary cinematography, including satellite filming, the film shows rivers on scales and from perspectives never seen before. Its union of image, music and sparse, poetic script will create a film that is both dream-like and powerful, honouring the wildness of rivers but also recognises their vulnerability.
A cinematic and musical odyssey that explores the remarkable relationship between humans and rivers. Written by Robert Macfarlane with music by Richard Tognetti and the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) and featuring music by Jonny Greenwood and Radiohead and narration by Willem Dafoe.
The Ario Dream
Friday 2 September 19:30, the Crypt
Renowned filmmaker Paul Diffley has brought his technical skills to the caving world, with his new film The Ario Dream: The Quest for Europe's Deepest Cave. The film profiles the exploration of the deep caves of Ario in the Picos de Europa mountains, Northern Spain. The film follows the latest 2016/17 expeditions as they try to make the last few connections that could result in the deepest cave system in Europe. This is a gripping account of ‘expedition-style’ cave exploration involving underground camps and complex logistics, and where the penalties for unforeseen emergencies or problems are severe. At the apex of the operation are the cave divers, pushing into the unknown in deep sumps where rescue is not an option. The tension, as each diver disappears into the blackness, is genuine…
Saturday Daytime Programme
Adventure Bites Mini Film Loop
The Honour Of Being Human
Adventure Storytelling with Niall Grimes
The Best of ShAFF 2022
Saturday 3 September 19:30, Cathedral main screen
With high adrenaline and stunning action, alongside quieter moments of contemplation and revelation, this collection of short films is specially selected by the festival directors to capture the unique spirit of ShAFF. Reflecting the diversity of the outdoor experience around the world, as well as showcasing award winning Sheffield-made films and athletes, the Best of ShAFF 2023 will inspire audiences in their own adventures, and prompt them to consider what ‘adventure’ means in today’s world.
The Rescue
Saturday 3 September 19:30, the Crypt
THE RESCUE chronicles the enthralling, against-all-odds story that transfixed the world in 2018: the daring rescue of twelve boys and their coach from deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand. Academy Award-winning directors and producers E. Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they use a wealth of never-before-seen material and exclusive interviews to piece together the high stakes mission, highlighting the efforts of the Royal Thai Navy SEALs and U.S. Air Force Special Tactics and details the expert cave divers' audacious venture to dive the boys to safety.
THE RESCUE brings alive one of the most perilous and extraordinary rescues in modern times, shining a light on the high-risk world of cave diving, the astounding courage and compassion of the rescuers, and the shared humanity of the international community that united to save the boys.