Art & Photo Exhibitions @ShAFF

We're very excited to have a number of art and photo exhibitions at ShAFF this year. These are free to view and will be up for the whole weekend.
Blinded By
Blinded By is a series of hand-printed window blinds, created with patterns derived directly from single use plastic waste. These designs intend to draw critical attention to the disposable culture of our daily lives. To be blinded by something is “to be distracted by it, so as not to objectively see the full picture, or true facts”. The blinds will be hung on the windows of the Creative Lounge for the duration of the festival.
Bio: Joanna is a Sheffield-based artist, designer and educator interested in how creativity connects to sustainability. Within her practice, she tackles issues around the value of disposable resources, whilst aiming to promote waste minimisation and re-use. Joanna often using experimental printmaking techniques with reclaimed objects. Joanna is also a Senior Lecturer in visual communication at Sheffield Hallam University.

Wear Your Adventure On Your Sleeve
How connected are we to the clothes that protect us on our adventures and the nature that we love to explore? By helping us to “perform” at our best out in nature, are our “performance” clothes simultaneously damaging the nature we love to explore? How forgiving are we of wearing our adventures on our sleeves, with a stain here and a patched tear there? An interactive installation where visitors can share stories of their adventuring clothes and experience some ‘clothing connectedness’.
Wendy Ward is currently working on a PhD at Sheffield Hallam University researching sustainability in fashion. She is particularly interested in people's relationships with their clothes and the potential for using these relationships to help people keep their clothes in use for longer.

20 years of Cotic Bikes - An exhibition of photography by Richard Baybutt
In the Showroom Light Well
www.cotic.co.uk / www.richardbaybutt.com & @coticbikes / @baybutt

Salt Street & Sam McQueen present The Outdoor City
A photography exhibition at The Outpost, Workstation Mezzanine all weekend.

Illustrated Film Posters: Made in Sheffield
ShAFF have collaborated with students in their final year of the BA (Hons) Illustration Course at Sheffield Hallam University. The students have been tasked to create their own version of a poster for the Made in Sheffield film selection. These films are either by local filmmakers, feature local athletes, or are shot in Sheffield and the Peak District.

The students have been asked to consider one of ShAFF’s aims with the imagery they create; “To instill respect for the environments and places we adventure in, and inspire action to protect them so that they are around for future generations to enjoy.” The Sheffield Hallam staff team supporting the students through the project include both illustration and eco-psychology lecturers.
The resulting printed posters from this unique project will be available to view in the Workstation gallery.