New Way Up

Jake Holland
Jake Holland
adidas, Petzl
Running time
24 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
A traditional alpine adventure film done differently!Hannah Maia
The Karakoram mountains are known for their huge scale and jaw dropping beauty. Nestled within them is Gulmit Tower (5810m), a technical granite pinnacle that has never been summited. Previous teams have often failed because the highly glaciated terrain makes the approach by foot long and treacherous. Fabi Buhl and Will Sim, both experienced alpinists, have a new idea. They plan to harness the power of the sky and use paragliders to fly over the glaciated terrain, reaching the base of the climb in hours, not days. Follow them on their epic journey as they attempt to set a new direction for Himalayan climbing.
Sustainability Notes:
Due to the nature of our travel to Pakistan (areoplane) we cant say this trip was very sustainable. However once in country we were based in only one place and nearly always walked from the town to the take off.