TALK - The Making of Lenny’s Legacy, an adventure film for our boys
Roy and Mim will discuss their cycle tour of New Zealand- as featured in the Lenny’s Legacy film in the bike packing films.

Roy and Mim will discuss their cycle tour of New Zealand- as featured in the Lenny’s Legacy film in the bike packing films. They will explain how they planned the trip, self shot the film and how they have used the film to launch their own registered charity.
Roy and Mim made the film with no filming experience and limited touring experience but with their determination and the support from others this film was possible. Expect some laughs as you hear about the challenges they faced along the way including record breaking bad weather! They made this film in the context of deep grief for their sons, but also found joy and light along the way.
This talk shows that ordinary people, in difficult times can do extraordinary things.