We're Going on a Wild Camp
Ethan, Joseph, Mum and Dad - splish and splosh their way to a wild camp

Rob Gilder
Rob Gilder
Running time
2 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Inspirational short about a family heading on a bear hunt!Matt Heason Festival Director
Seeing the Next Generation enjoy the wilderness.Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
The Gilder Family – Ethan, Joseph, Mum and Dad - splish and splosh their way to a wild camp to sleep on a big hill on a beautiful night – they’re not scared.
Inspired by a love of adventure and Michael Rosen's book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', Ethan (6) and Joseph (3) experience their first ever wild camp on a hill in the Lake District.
The adventure took place in June 2015 with the wonderful British weather adding mist and drizzle to the challenge of filming with children whilst carrying a massive pack for a family night wild camping!