
Beta Climbing Designs

Sheffield based design, production and distribution for the BetaStick and other climbing products...


When Si Berry started Beta Climbing Designs the BetaStick was our first design project and we launched the product into the UK climbing market in 2002, having enlisted the design help of his long term friend and climbing partner, Tony Whitehouse. Many people felt they were crazy at this time to develop such a niche climbing product – however the concept of BetaStick was born more from necessity than commercial reason. Still recovering from a serious climbing accident, the need to not smash his body again was his main concern. Taking a ground fall off a sports route before the first bolt was definitely a risk he wasn’t prepared to take. From these small beginnings we have continually improved BetaStick to become the market leader worldwide in remote stick clipping products. Our commitment to research and development of remote clipping represents a small but significant addition to the climbing equipment market. Today we have a committed team who share a passion for climbing and great equipment. The New BetaStick EVO launches at ShAFF