Chocolate Spokes
Gregory Crichlow left his architecture job in 2011 to start a bicycle shop in Five Points, a traditionally African-American and Latino neighborhood.
Brendan Leonard
Running time
5 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
Strong pillar in a diverse community shows that's why it's important to get Outdoors with your sport in your own style.Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
Gregory Crichlow left his architecture job in 2011 to start a bicycle shop in Five Points, a African-American/Latino neighbourhood in Denver, Colorado.
Dreaming of hand-building bike frames, he quickly realised that servicing neighbourhood residents’ bikes would pay the bills instead. The first custom Chocolate Spokes bike, the one he built for himself, sat in the front window of the shop until someone stole it in 2013.
Since then, he’s built 10-12 bikes per year for customers—but never replaced his original bike. Now, he’s finally building himself one. Chocolate Spokes is the story of a craftsman, entrepreneur, and dreamer.