
Dedicate - Diving Free

Jacques de Vos is an underwater photographer who spends most his time freediving with orcas.
Jacques de Vos with his childhood dream animals : Orcas. (c) Alex Aimard



shams, Alex Aimard


jacques de Vos

Running time

8 minutes

Country / Nationality


Our Judges say:

Oh my god, oh my god was not expecting that. This is amazing beautiful film, with beautiful sound both from the creatures and their production crew.

Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions

Swimming under water with humpback whales and orcas, definitely one to enjoy on the big screen!

Anna Paxton

Jacques de Vos is an underwater photographer who spends most his time freediving with orcas.

Helped by his crew, this South African became an expert in finding these incredible creatures in the ocean and spending a few seconds swimming with them underwater.

We followed the man who freedives with orcas on one of his most beautiful expeditions, completed last winter in north of Norway.