Hazel Findlay: Mind Control
With a surgeon about to slice into her shoulder, Hazel has to contemplate the biggest challenge of all: a life without climbing.

Jen Randall
Alex Messenger
Hazel Findlay
Running time
18 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
When you love your sport it’s so hard to be injured. This film follows professional climber Hazel Findlay on the road to recovery after a shoulder operation. Impressive to see her positivity and determination to emerge from the injury both physically and mentally stronger.Anna Paxton
What happens when a world-famous climber is forced to stop climbing due to a serious shoulder injury? Award-winning filmmaker Jen Randall captures pro climber Hazel Findlay’s empowering road to recovery. Fascinating reflections on identity emerge from this refreshingly honest and uplifting documentary.Ruth Farrar
Mind Control is a new BMC TV film by the award-winning Jen Randall. This is a personal and revealing portrait into the demands of being a pro climber. Features unique behind-the-scenes footage and inspiring shots of one of Hazel's hardest sends: Mind Control (8c) at Oliana.