
Juicy Studios, Mike Hopkins
Juicy Studios, Mike Hopkins
Diamondback Bicycles
Running time
2 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Nostalgia of the time when the bike represented your freedom. Stocked on this film and on the big screen you will laugh and feel the stock.Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
Short and sweet! All of life on a bike... which character are you?Anna Paxton
Welcome to Skidsville. Population all of us. Remember that feeling of throwing a leg over a bike for the first time?! I mean talk about “Boom!”, right? It was like a lightening strike of realisation blowing the doors off our childhood. One day we’re walking around with the rest of the mere mortals, the next we’re steely-eye’d captains piloting our two wheeled rocket ships to the outer reaches of the Driveway!
It was like punching that ticket to ride and stepping into a world that’s bigger, bolder, and little bloodier. Remember? Juicy Studios and Mike Hopkins set out to show us how bikes have played a roll in our lives... generation by generation. Bottom line, Bike are awesome, and they've been awesome from the beginning. Production Crew:
Directed By: Juicy Studios and Mike Hopkins Produced By: Juicy Studios and Mike Hopkins Cinematography: Scott Secco, David Peacock, and Derek Frankowski Writer: Sean Smillie Narrator: Graham Tracy Sound Design: Keith White Website: