Your votes and ratings

Launched at ShAFF 2015, Boom Beam allowed the audience to vote in a fair, corruption-free way on their favourite film via their smart phones or tablets.
Users were prompted to enter a unique code - unique to them for any given film session - and score each film on a scale of 1-10. Having a unique code meant that nobody could post it on social media channels in order to generate remote voting - you had to have been in the session in order to vote. Engagement was an impressive at more than 25%, and feedback from users was uniformly excellent.
Boom Beam's mission is to improve cinema and big screen experiences; whether they're part of a season of films, a film festival or from single film venue.
We love film and we'd don't believe we're alone in this passion. The world of film watching has evolved dramatically over the last decade with the advent of online film streaming and cloud based on-demand services to our homes via ever increasing broadband connections.
Live venues need to evolve to match and better this change in the film viewing experience. How can we improve the out of home film viewing experience? That's the question that we're looking to answer every day.