Beauties and the Bog

Running time
9 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
What an inspiring film by four local Sheffield women doing one of the longest, classic team fell races in the Peak District. The production is very basic but the landscape shots are beautiful and the information, sense of fun, accessibility and the colourful, cheerful characters portrayed are excellent. Very accessible, you can't help but want to join them.Claire Maxted Claire Maxted
Four women embark on a long distance running challenge in the peak district – a film to inspire others to get out there and document their own accomplishments.Zena Toscani
What a heartwarming film from local running women. The story about their training and attempt of the 2016 High Peak Marathon. Find them at ShAFF this year and chat to them about getting into running.Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
How to train, run and enjoy a Peak District UltramarathonClaire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
Four girls, one big challenge... to run a 42 mile fell race, overnight, and in winter. This film takes you on a journey of bog running, midnight navigation and team race preparation. When race day comes, the girls are ready for the challenge - but is the challenge ready for them?
This film was shot early 2016 in the beautiful British Peak District. It follows a group of four friends - Ali Gover, Bodil Oudshoorn, Libby Kerr and Lisa Trollope - as they train for the longest race they have ever attempted. After multiple years of entering but not making it through the lottery for a place in the race, the girls finally got in. They excitedly started their training, spending many nights on boggy hillsides perfecting their navigation and cementing their friendship. Throughout training the girls learn that not everything is within their control and when race day comes, they decide to make the best of what the weather throws at them.
Featuring, filmed and edited by: Ali Gover, Bodil Oudshoorn, Libby Kerr and Lisa Trollope
Thanks to: Mike Watson for additional footage and time lapses Richard Bradbury organising the High Peak Marathon and the interview
Music: LEAO - Villain @leaoband Brave New Storm - Walden Matt Trollope - Coming Home Small Talk - Silence Inside