Mirror Wall

Running time
44 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
Exceptionally beautiful mountaineering film that is also a touching reflection on loss, risk and responsibility. Impressive and enjoyable.Paul Hodgson Music Judge
Beautiful graphic treatments, ambitious camera work, a visual feast.Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
The need for adventure and a changing horizon is a natural instinct for many people. In the case of renowned adventurer Leo Houlding, this has manifested itself in the form of completing world class expeditions with tight-knit teams to unclimbed peaks around the world.
Following the death of his long term climbing partner Sean ‘Stanley’ Leary and birth of his daughter Freya - ‘Mirror Wall’ finds Leo approaching his latest expedition with a reconsidered mentality and a completely new team.
With the responsibility of achieving his own goals, mentoring his talented but inexperienced companions and coming home safely to his family, this big wall adventure film challenges the tallest known face on the east coast of Greenland, while providing moments for reflection 1200m off the ground.