
Darcy Wittenburg
Ian Dunn
Brett Rheeder Cam McCaul Brandon Semenuk Ryan Howard Casey Brown Andrew Shandro Ruben Alcantara Rachel Atherton Gee Atherton Dan Atherton Sergio Layos
Running time
34 minutes
Country / Nationality
Filmed in Spain Produced in Canada
Anthill Films—the crew that brought you unReal and NotBad—and the Trek C3 Project have joined forces yet again, this time in Spain, to bring you more shenanigans & unbelievable bicycle riding than ever before. And of course, more unbelievable riding and bicycle mastery you’d come to expect from the Trek C3 Project. What’s better than one of something? Two of something. One is less than two. Therefore, logic dictates that two must be better than one. Faced with these indisputable facts, we realized that we needed to make a sequel. No one takes you serious in the movie business unless you make at least two of something—more is always better right? And this is serious business. Serious off-road bicycle riding business. So get ready for a whole lot of more. More antics. More deep thoughts. More Xtreme mountain cycling. And more slow-mo… especially more slow-mo. Yeah… that sounds Not2Bad. It’s a mountain bike film that’s Not Dos Bad!