Why I Run
Alastair Humphreys takes us through why he runs and the benefits it bring him.
Running time
3 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
Alastair Humphreys shows us why micro adventures are the way forward, I picking you up is running shoes and getting out there.Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
A heartfelt, relatable and inspiring soliloquy on why running is so important, by Adventurer Al Humphries. It's only 3mins long but he manages to make you want to reach for your trainers and head to the Lake District for a run immediately.Claire Maxted Claire Maxted
Every month I visit the Lake District to spend a day running in the hills. It’s good for the body, good for the head, good for the soul. I film the run and chat to myself about whatever feels important that day.
This month: why I run (and why I think you should do too…).