FAQs – Drive In Cinema @ Hope Valley College

What time do I need to get there?
The film sessions start after dark but allowing plenty of time for arrival will ensure we get you into your right parking place ahead of the filming starting. Moving a car about the parking space is a little more intrusive than pointing to an empty seat. Please try to be at the venue for no later than half an hour before the event as advertised on your ticket / order. You can arrive anything up to an hour before hand.
Nativity will start at 17:45
Goonies will start at 20:30
Can I come by bike?
Absolutely! In fact we'd love for everybody to come by bike or on foot, but we recognise that in these times not everybody is comfortable with that. If you do come by bike please bring your own folding chair and clothing appropriate for the weather. You will also need your own headphones if you are on a bike or on foot.
What do I need?
You’ll either need an AUX input into your car stereo, a portable speaker with an AUX-in, or a set of headphones per audience member (passenger) and a headphone splitter to allow you to plug a number of headphones into the same socket. The receiver devices use a standard 3.5mm stereo jack. We have plenty of Aux cables. We suggest that the best way of listening will be with a portable speaker. If you do use your car stereo be aware that it's not inconceivable to run your battery flat if it's not in great shape so you may want to turn our engines over half way through the film (but we'd obviously prefer it if you didn't). If you have any trouble on the night we will have a limited amount of kit that you may rent from us: Headphone Splitter - £3, Portable Speaker - £5, Headphones £5. Auxiliary cables are free. And we have jump leads in case anybody does end up stranded at the end of the night.
Are there toilets?
Will there be any food or drink available?
You can pre-order pizzas from Sunshine Pizza. Make sure you quote Hove Valle College as the delivery address, and include your vehicle registration so that they can find you!
How to get there?
Hope Valley College, 93 Castleton Rd, Hope, Hope Valley S33 6SB
The screenings will be on the tennis courts (you will be directed when you arrive).

Covid-19 Related
Should I come if I’m not feeling well?
In line with government guidance, if you’re not feeling well or potentially starting to show any symptoms of illness you should not attend and should consider self-isolating. You can read more on the official government guidance here. If you have to cancel due to Covid-19 we will happily refund your ticket.
Do I need to wear a mask?
No. As you’ll be watching the film from the confines of your car, that you’re sharing with people of your own family unit, there will be no requirement for you to wear a mask at the screenings at this time. As the circumstances change at the screening, so might this requirement, please check in future for any changes. If you get out of your vehicle for any reason we ask that you wear a mask.
What precautions are we taking to protect you?
We’ve completed a risk assessment of the venue that we’re using and included a number of considerations directly relating to Covid-19. These are some of the actions will be taking to ensure your safety:
- Equipment – as you enter the venue, we’ll pass you the receiver required to allow you to hear the soundtrack to the film. We’ll be cleaning all equipment with a BS EN 1276 rated disinfectant spray.
- Staff – As you enter and exit, we’ll be wearing masks as we hand out the equipment to you. During the screening these masks may be removed.
- Space – We’ll be allocating spaces to each vehicle to ensure that you’ll be able to exit your car and the occupants of the car adjacent to you, without encroaching 1 metre between each other.
As restaurants, pubs and cafes are remaining open, along with cinemas, gyms and climbing walls and will clearly need more than 6 people at any given time to operate, it stands to reason that an outdoor or drive in screening can also take place, but that we will ensure that there are no groups of more than 6 within the event space.