One Breath Around The World
Mesmerizing images of parts of the planet unseen by most of its human inhabitants.

Guillaume Nery
Almo Film
Running time
13 minutes
Our Judges say:
Just beautiful. This is all filmed by a husband and wife freediving film on breath hold. Enjoy... then breathe...Anna Paxton
No spoilers this is a must watchEd Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
Fabulously beautiful underwater art movie. Free swimming has never looked so impressive. Don't look at the thong though. Oh god, that thong.Paul Hodgson Music Judge
Dive in! Hold your breath!Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
In their new short film, One Breath Around the World, French apnea champion Guillaume Néry and his also free diver wife Julie Gautier take viewers on an underwater odyssey across the globe. Shooting in locations from Mauritius to Mexico to Japan and many stops in between, Néry and Gautier draw on their extensive experience to explore submerged ruins, swim beneath a thick sheet of ice, mingle with a pod of sleeping sperm whales. In the process, they capture mesmerizing images of parts of the planet unseen by most of its human inhabitants.