Run the Line
Overgrown, farmed, pushed out, sold off and only half there, Beau sets off with shovel in hand, dressed like a 50's train driver, to retrace an old trainline.

Beau Miles
Mitch Drummond
Running time
24 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Uncovering the secrets of the past in his own backyard, runner Bo traces the tracks of an old railway line, bushwhacking, fence-hopping, and hoping the neighbours won't shoot...Anna Paxton
As if you need inspiration to explore in your backyard. But here you go!!!!Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
Enjoyable Aussie running film with fascinating archive footage and lovely drone shots of lush modern landscape. Very nicely donePaul Hodgson Music Judge
Historically illustrative running... Go try it!Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
Beau Miles lives next to the old Warragul-Noojee Railway line, which snaked for 43km through the foothills of Mt. Baw Baw, and ran from 1892-1954. You can still see the line now as strange scars across paddocks and bold cuttings through the sides of hills. Overgrown, private, exposed, or hard to find, Beau aims to re-run the train line, picking up and finding the stations of yesteryear.