Wibmer's Law

Fabio Wibmer
Marius Prell, Fabio Wibmer, Hannes Berger
Red Bull
Running time
8 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Defying the laws of gravity, rescuing small children, and terrorising workmen as they go about their jobs. All in a day's work for a Red Bull athlete. So fun!Anna Paxton
Bike parkour shortPaul Hodgson Music Judge
Life in the big city has its pros and cons – whoever has been in one knows the phenomenon all too well: a work life hastened to the maximum and a society in which everyone lacks the necessary time of his own. Fabio Wibmer has a different point of view! Turning Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna and Linz into his personal playground is not the easiest, but the 24-year-old rider overcomes ordinary and risky situations with his usual coolness. He escapes a dooring accident by bunny hopping over a car door and slickly dives below a suddenly appearing sofa. Even a dropping piano is no match for the trials bike pro. Fabio takes plenty of shortcuts over the city roofs and no gap – however great it may be – can stop him. With handlebar rides, a frontflip through a construction site, some mighty drops and a double backflip on a step-down Fabio finds his way through the maze of streets. This way leads the East Tirolean further and further out of the city until his inner calmness becomes one with the more quiet and harmonic landscape. Using his trials bike, Fabio made it out of the city to enjoy the sunset in nature, far away from the nervous big city life.