Have Your Own Adventure

Burn off some energy before watching the films - bring your friends or meet new ones in our group activities:
Explore art and photo exhibitions in the Showroom lightwell and The Outpost - all weekend
Fri 6PM - Dig Deep Night Run (£10 inc. Injinji run socks) - followed by Run Films (Fri 7:15PM)
SOLD OUT Sat 9AM - Komoot Workshop and Community Hike with Nic Hardy, Alpkit Hathersage
Sat 10AM-5PM - Orienteering - Drop In & Have A Go with South Yorkshire Orienteers, The Outpost
Sat 1:30PM - Park Raid with Runners Against Rubbish, meet at The Outpost, head to Porter Brook Pocket Park on Matilda Street, just a few hundred metres away.
Sat - Trash Free Trails Trail Clean & Ride, Parkwood Springs - details TBC
Sat & Sun - Hallamshire Physiotherapy Free Consultations (if all that activity gets a bit much!), The Outpost
Sun 9:30AM meet for 10AM start - Yugen Explore Right to Roam Hike with Trash Free Trails, Edale train station
Sun 10AM - Guided Urban Trail Run, Millhouses Park (£5), an easy paced 8km run exploring some of the beautiful woodland trails on the outskirts of Sheffield.
Sun 10AM-5PM - Orienteering - Drop In & Have A Go with South Yorkshire Orienteers, The Outpost
Sun - Cotic Women Of Steel Ride - details TBC
Sun 2PM - Alpkit Hathersage to ShAFF Showroom Gravel Ride - followed by Bikepacking Films (Sun 17:30PM)
Events are free to attend unless otherwise stated, but please do register your place via Eventbrite so we can manage numbers.