Sheffield Adventure Film Festival 2024 / Film Submission

Submit new Film Submission

On this page you can submit information about your Film Submission.

Contact info for this Film Submission
Film Submission Description and Background Information for ShAFF

A short sentence describing the film submission shown next to the film submission title.


Max size 8MB. This will be the primary image used on the website for film submission pages. Please ensure the image is landscape orientation (close to 16:9), has no border, and no text overlaid if possible.

Enter a description of this image to help those that have accessibility requirements to understand what this image depicts, briefly. For example "Climber A. N. Other soloing a huge granite cliff"


Max size 8MB.

Enter a description of this image to help those that have accessibility requirements to understand what this image depicts, briefly. For example "Climber A. N. Other soloing a huge granite cliff"


Max size 8MB.

Enter a description of this image to help those that have accessibility requirements to understand what this image depicts, briefly. For example "Climber A. N. Other soloing a huge granite cliff"

An emotive 3-4 line description about the film submission that is shown in list and summary pages

An unlimited description of the film submission used on the about page for this Film Submission. Feel free to add context to how the film submission came about and who was involved

About the film's screening at ShAFF

In order to decide whether we will screen your film we need to watch it. Please provide a url so that we can download the film and watch it off-line.

Provide any passwords or info required to access the film.

If you don’t have the film in Vimeo, dropbox or linkable form then you can upload it to our Dropbox account here .

List of links to music that's featured in the film.

Tell us, in your own words, how your film addresses sustainability. We're looking at both the actual process and practice of making the film, the carbon footprint you think it has during production, but also whether there is a call to action in the film which will encourage others to act in a sustainable way, and so on. Any details you can provide will help us gain insight into this.

Anything else you'd like to tell us (this won't be displayed publically).


We are making big strides towards screening film sessions accessible to the VI/Blind and d/Deaf communities. We encourage all filmmakers to submit OC (Open Captions) and AD (Audio Description). If you don't have these assets then we encourage you to consider creating them and have worked with Find It Film and Coldhouse Collective to produce a Best Practice document with advice on how to do so. In the UK there are nearly half a million people who are deaf and or blind who may not be getting to experience your film. We would also really appreciate it if you would include a meaningful ALT Tag description for any images which you upload (see page 15 of Best Practice document for guidelines).

Tell us how you consider accessibility during the making of your film. We're interested to know what consideration you put into the production process for those that might have a disability associated with their sight or hearing, or any other considerations that were put in place for those with disabilities during the making of this film.

How have you supplied on screen captions for the film? (either uploaded to our dropbox , or a link to such a file detailed in screener notes above). We prefer that you supply a film with embedded on screen captions.

How have you supplied audio description for the film? (either uploaded to our dropbox, or a link to such a file detailed in screener notes above). We prefer that you supply a film with embedded audio description in a separate channel.

Links related to this Film Submission

If the audience wanted to find out more about this film submission where would you send them…

About this Film Submission in general

This section contains general 'facts' about the film, not specific to this festival.

Tell us anything about your film relating to online streaming.