Short documentary about artist,photographer and outdoor swimmer Vivienne Rickman Poole.

Running time
6 minutes
Country / Nationality
United Kingdom
Our Judges say:
Beautiful cinematography, this film really evokes a sense of isolation which by the end of the film you learn is what the protagonist is yearning for. A very watchable and inspiring short that flies in the face of many adventure films which focus on quantifiable achievements, instead, Afterglow is about authenticity and creativity and how a passion becomes a lifestyle. Watch for a poetic glimpse at photography, form and outdoor swimming – despite the snowy vistas this film leaves you with a warm feeling inside.Zena Toscani
This film has totally changed my view of swimming into the winter. As a result of watching it, I have continued to swim weekly, never for the time, or the speed, just for the time well spent with friends and the 'afterglow'Hayley Lever Women in adventure judge
Fabulous, beautiful, delightful short about cold water swimming. Very enjoyable indeed!Paul Hodgson Music Judge
An exploration of how our perception of image is changed by water.Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.