Discover adventure activism at ShAFF

Without doubt, 2019 is the year for taking action for our planet and our future. Increasingly, people are finding hope through that action. As people who love the outdoors, we understand the buzz to be found in weathering adversity and standing up for our passions and beliefs. It's a path well-forged by the adventure community, and in 2019, ShAFF wants to celebrate this spirit and empower adventurous people to take action like never before.
We want to take you on a journey and inspire you to take the next step to a better future. So with our series of Adventure Activism itineraries we're bringing you face-to-face with inspirational adventure activists, showing films which tell stories of powerful environmental action and giving festival-goers the chance to experience being the change themselves. We're harnessing the festival’s renowned energy and inspiring you to take action, then and there, for the causes you care about and the landscapes you love.
Run For Your Life - There are some incredible stories out there about people running for good - for people, for change and for the planet. Some are awe-inspiringly superhuman, some are reassuringly normal, but their stories are equally inspiring. We're inviting you to watch these stories unfold, hear first hand what motivates people to run for a purpose, and to experience just how good running for good can make you feel.
Paddle for the Planet - Our oceans and waterways are the liquid footpaths of our land and face a myriad of threats from plastic pollution to dams. ShAFF is showcasing some of the most exciting water-borne activism stories of the last year from around the world, and we're also giving you the chance to experience the thrill of getting up close and personal with some of Sheffield's iconic waterways too. Whether you're intrigued by river-walking, stand-up paddleboarding or kayaking, it's a chance to fall in love with our rivers and find adventure in sharing them and caring for them too.
Choose Your Own Adventure - Young people are the most powerful voices speaking out for the planet today. ShAFF is bringing together young people who have used their passions - from rock-climbing to rapping - to stand up for the planet and help other people do the same. Our young adventurer experience will allow young people to follow their stories, join in the debate, have a go at a range of activities from eco-bricking to craftivism, to give them the tools and inspiration to take the next steps for the future - as well as watch some of the most inspiring films the festival has to offer.
We want our partners, sponsors, filmmakers and exhibitors to come together at the heart of this journey and help us forge the emotional connections that will mobilise our audiences. We're well-placed at ShAFF to make this happen. As a festival, ShAFF forges new ground every year and already enjoys unprecedented audience participation (48% engagement through Boom Beam audience voting tool in 2018). With 3,500+ people primed for action, together we can do something really powerful.