Stalking Chernobyl
Exploration After Apocalypse

Running time
57 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
The secret behind Chernobyls Urbex community have been left exposed. ☢️☠️☢️Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
Recommended. This film raises a lot of questions. Post-radiation-disaster tourism has become a source of income, meanwhile a growing number of illegal explorers try to incorporate past events and move forward in their own way. Who's to say whose approach is right?Anna Paxton
If you've seen what is undoubtedly the best TV series of the last five years that features neither dragons nor super heroes you will love this. The film has both extraordinary archive footage and critical portrayal of adventurers going into the exclusion zone.Paul Hodgson Music Judge
Stalking Chernobyl: Exploration After Apocalypse, a forthcoming documentary from Cultures of Resistance Films, examines the underground culture of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Three decades after the world's most infamous nuclear disaster, wildlife has returned in the absence of human settlements. Meanwhile, illegal hiking adventurers known as "stalkers," extreme sports aficionados, artists, and tour companies have begun to explore anew the ghostly, post-apocalyptic landscape.