Join The Conversation

Would you like to talk more about the issues raised by some of this year's films? Come and join the conversation! Hosted by filmmaker Frit Tam, ShAFF presents three screenings of selected short films followed by panel discussions, with the opportunity to explore issues raised in the films:
Saturday 4th March 10:30 Access All Areas A screening of the short film Elevated followed by a discussion looking at what we need to do to ensure that adventure films are made accessible to a wider audience. With Tim Burton, head of production at Coldhouse Collective, Danielle Sellwood, filmmaker and expert in making content and film accessible via open captions and audio description, and Poppy Levison, a disability activist and life-long outdoors enthusiast. Sat 10:30am, Workstation Mezzanine.
Saturday 4th March 12:30 Working Together A screening of the short film Working Together, followed by a discussion celebrating 20 years of partnership working across a vast area of moorland, telling the story of people coming together to protect precious blanket bogs for the benefit of people, the planet and wildlife into the future. With Chris Dean, head of Moors for the Future Partnership, Catherine Flitcroft, British Mountaineering Council and Emma Crome, head of ethics and environment at Coldhouse Collective. Sat 12:30pm, Workstation Mezzanine.
Saturday 4th March 14:30 A Climate Of Optimism A screening of short film A Climate Of Optimism, followed by discussion with Dom Winter, Head of Programs at climate action charity Protect Our Winters UK suggesting ways passionate outdoor people can become effective climate advocates to achieve systemic solutions to climate change. Sat 4 2:30pm, Workstation Mezzanine.
Sunday 4th March 17:00 Join SOUP for a panel discussion about outdoor swimming. We’ll be talking all things cold water, the joys, the motivations and why we need better water access.
These panels are free to attend, but please register via Eventbrite so we can manage numbers.