The Important Places
The important places, we all have them. They’re the places that awed us, that inspired us, that fed our souls.

Gnarly Bay, Forest Woodward
Gnarly Bay, Forest Woodward
Doug Woodward
American Rivers, NRS, Chacos
Running time
9 minutes
Country / Nationality
Our Judges say:
Father and Son trip down the Grand Canyon beautifully shot beautiful documented.Ed Birch Director of Salt-Street productions
The important places, we all have them. They’re the places that awed us, that inspired us, that fed our souls. Sometimes we wander far from them, but the memories remain. Sometimes we have to return there to feel whole again. In this film, a father and son return to one of the father’s important places, the Grand Canyon. There they discover more about each other—and the bond they share. This is an important film, about the important places.