Red Sands - Skating a Gun Turret

Our Judges say:
How did they get THERE??Claire Carter Writer, Film Officer for Kendal Mountain Festival, 'Creative Consultant'.
A SKATEBOARDER RIPPING IT UP ON AN ABANDONED WORLD WAR 2 ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN TOWER Pro skateboarder Ben Grove takes his board to skate in one of the most incredible abandoned locations in the world. Located offshore in the Thames Estuary, just outside London, the forts had an intense Life during the 2nd World War when Great Britain faced relentless attacks. The RED SANDS forts shot down 22 planes 30 bombers and one U-Boat submarine which was scuttled after coming under fire from the RED SANDS towers. In 1964 it served as the first pirate radio station as Radio Caroline which later became the famous Radio City station. Since the forced radio eviction the forts have been left abandoned... until we arrived... Music: Track: B.R.M.C - Howl - Shuffle Your Feet Available at: Google Play, iTunes, Amazon A SALT STREET production @saltst, sponsored by Lost rivers Brewing Company @lostriversbrew,