Run For Your Life - A festival itinerary for runners

Run For Your Life - A festival itinerary for runners
In our fossil-fuelled world, running is one of the purest acts of rebellion there is. Join us for the ShAFF weekend to watch stories of running unfold, and (re)discover just how good running can make you feel. We kick off the weekend on Friday night with our Up&Running + GoodGym + Alpkit night run - sign up for your free headtorch. You’ll be back in time to grab a beer and watch Run Films 1.
If morning runs are more your style, join us early on Saturday for our Up&Running + GoodGym breakfast run before checking out the running gear on offer in the Outpost and heading off to Run Films 2. Drop into Fully Charged on Saturday lunchtime to find out how an EV could reduce your race travel footprint. In the afternoon why not introduce your little rebels to a spot of plogging at our Park Raid before finding out how to get together with other riders, runners and roamers to run your own litterpick at The Activist Academy. Don’t forget to book your tickets for the #BMCSMASH party to finish the evening with a bang.
Sunday starts a bit later, but it’s a big one. Get out to the edge of the Peak with Peak Runners Trail Raid, or down to the delights of the Don with GoodGym’s River Raid - and find your buzz along the way by helping out with two great causes. Head back to the Showroom to meet the world record holder behind the Snowman Bhutan trail run before settling down to Run Films 1, or take The Fell Running Guide’s mindbending Skills for the Hills Nav Challenge before relaxing with Run Films 2. You can sleep on Monday.