
Explore the ShAFF website What's On pages for detailed info with links from each session to buy tickets.
Adventure films vary from two minute shorts to feature length films so we group films into themed sessions of about 90 minutes. We repeat some sessions, but not all of them. There are also continual film loops, free talks and activities as part of the programme.
All film tickets are to be bought via the ticket links in the programme on there ShAFF website (clicking will take you to EventBrite where the transaction will take place).
Single Film Session
Standard - £12
Under 16s & Concessions - £8
Family (2 adults & 2 under 16s) - £30
Friday Film Pass (2 sessions & Adventure Bites Loop)
Standard - £20
Under 16s & concessions - £14
Family - £50
Saturday Film Pass (5 sessions & Adventure Bites Loop)
Standard - £50
Under 16s & Concessions - £30
Family - £120
Fri & Sat Film Pass (7 sessions & Adventure Bites Loop)
Standard - £65
Under 16s & Concessions - £40
Family - £150
Adventure Bites Loop
Standard - £3
Under 16s & Concessions - £2
Family - £8
Panel / Talk
Free, but please register and make a donation if you like
ShAFF Patrons receive 10% off individual tickets.
We appreciate that buying tickets for the festival can be a confusing process, we tweak it every year to make it more straightforward. If you have any trouble whilst booking, or have any suggestions on how to improve things please drop us a line.